Social Responsibility and Environment

Description of SRE practices, for example:

“A company’s Social Responsibility is a form of management defined by the company’s ethical relationship with its stockholders and by the establishment of company targets compatible with them, respecting diversity and promoting the reduction of social differences”. (as defined by the Institute of Entrepreneurial Ethos and Social Responsibility, Brasil).

For the International Work Organization (IWO) a company’s social responsibility is the compound of actions taken into consideration by companies so that their actions have positive repercussions on society and which reaffirm the principles and values that rule them, both in their own internal methods and processes, as well as in their relationship with other actors. SRE is a voluntary initiative.

The principal  ethical responsibilities of a company towards its employees and the community are:

  • Serve society with useful products and under fair conditions.
    Create wealth in the most efficient manner possible.
    Respect human rights through dignified working conditions which favor safety and labour welfare and further the professional and human development of employees.
    Ensure the continuity of the company and, if possible, achieve reasonable growth.
    Respect the environment, avoiding as far as possible, any type of pollution, thus reducing the generation of residues and rationalizing the use of natural resources and energy.
    Rigorously comply with the laws, regulations, norms and customs, respecting legitimate contracts and acquired commitments.
    Ensure the equal distribution of resulting wealth.
    Account for legal compliance by the company.
    Maintain company ethics and the fight against corruption.
    Supervision of working and health conditions of employees.
    Material and residue management follow-up.
    Review the company’s efficient use of energy.
    A correct use of water.
    Fight against climate change.
    Evaluation of social and environmental risks.
    Supervision of adjustments to the supply chain.
    Design and implementation of company association and collaboration strategies.
    Involve consumers, local community and the rest of society.
    Involve employees in good SRE practices.
    Marketing and construction of corporate reputation.